These sheer lands colonized by the Aessemors, consist of many terraced landscapes and cavernous grottos carved out of those great stone spires, north east of Mahgentra. Out in that expanse between the great Mount Meru and the enveloping Deim’naren, stands the largest of the seven spires. Madropi. A top this spire stands a mounded mega city called Jikenyay, which along with the remaining habitations through out this pillar world supports over two hundred million inhabitance, and has stood sovereign for over four thousand years. Though the Aessemors living in Madrop-Etra decend from those in Mahgentra, the far distance of the spires from Mahgentra has left these hardier inhabitance far more independent and culturally unique.
Here the Aessemors have thrived with impressive success, and have developed an extensive trade network between the peoples of the middle realms. From Xexus marauder fleets, to imperial convoys. Some part of Madrop-Etra is willing to accommodate any traveler able to pay. Many foreign peoples come to live here permanently in this vertical realm in the clouds, while others find the proximity to the murderous Xexus too much risk.