Largest of the realms in the cosmos, Edden is a world forested by gigantic mossy conifers, blanketed by endless grassy fields upon rolling green hills, and partitioned by innumerable mountain ranges, each larger than the last. Edden is infact so large that all other earthly realms can fit within it’s measurable confines, and this is ignoring the cavernous realm beneath, or ‘Sub Edden‘, which extends three hundred miles deep.
Though the majority of this realm is uncivilized, all of the realm has been explored and stands by decree sovereign lands belonging to the Ninavor people. This great expanse of land abundant with massive living things, is as Helvestus created it to be, a true wilderness in its purist form.
The peopled portion of this realm, known as Edden Proper, is home to dwarves, vivaltrens, and parsians all. Primarily located around the shores of the Great Shining Sea at the center of Edden, these lands lie far below, but directly under the astral barrier between Dracon and Voget Bai.
As time has passed, these lands came to be more developed, and their infrastructure spread around Edden Prime. With the extensive growth of Edden Proper, this part of the realm still only manages to cover ten percent of the realm’s habitable lands. The remaining lands beyond lay far enough from the Shining Sea that they are out of sight of that astral realm above. Instead, a great arching roof of stone, which supports Dracon, lies overhead in the place of sky. Here in these shaded lands, white light from the fire of Agni keeps the days only partially illuminated, rendering those dense canopied woods intensely primordial.