The Elven Realm as it is sometimes referred is an astonishing place abundant in energy and proliferated by life of a savage robustness. Located at the top of the grand pedestal, and sheltered by a firmament; the realm has stayed safe from invasions and assaults. Even given it’s close proximity to the Sprites of Avalor and the Xexus marauders of the Deim’naren. Only once was Terronis conquered, and those dwarves responsible paid dearly for their aggressions against the Sorcerer kings of Pryous and Orrena.
Terronis appears to be a green inferno of turquoise seas broken up by black and red earth, coated in the dense foliage of well fed forests and glades. The Elves see the realm as a dangerous living god, which at times requires appeasement, and at other times requires domination. Besides the wild abundance of carnivorous animals, massive trap plants, toxic fungi spores, and parasite filled swamps. The land itself is alive and breathing. Thermal vent caverns and many hot lakes surrounded by healthy leafy jungles keep the green world warm and nourished. These geothermal conditions are powered by a hot bed of molten metals and giant crystalline geodes broiling under the spongey structure of the realm’s crust. This incredibly dynamic ocean of magma contains large masses of cooler earth incased within crystal geodes. Sometimes these namanite geodes rupture the surface crust causing catastrophic vulcanized effects to the realm’s skies and seas. These episodes in history, called ages of darkness, are followed by the violent formation of new lands, or the subduction of existing ones.
Such extreme geological conditions brought calamity after miasmic disaster to the elves, demanding they find a way to control the machinations of their fragile earthly realm. Overtime the elves found ways to anchor their soft spongy continents and keep them from sinking. With the proliferation of the massive bio forms called Eus, the elves recreated the surface to their wild realm into an unbelievable paradise of living mountainous forests.
Although these episodic eruptions still affected the rich seas of the realm, creating new lands and new ages of darkness. The frequency of such occurrences was mapped out, and many such ejections were prepared for in advanced. Durring this time the elves were guided by those last Archons of Eruvitar, their demiurge known for his honor and wisdom. These archons designated the first council of rulers from each of the two races of elves, and from there the flourishing of elven civilization was undeterred by the nature of their environment. The engineering of Elven civilization was committed with a deliberate dedication to constructing a realm wide infrastructure of advanced physical networks and social hierarchies that persisted for millennia.