
The Avopouragains were the first mortal peoples to be brought about. In all the cosmos these native peoples of Avalor (the realm known today as Kyia) suffer the most neglect from their devine parentage. Made by Yaldabaoth, these small beings were viewed as an auxiliary endeavor by the chaotic Demiurge; leaving them at a unique disadvantage.

Appearance & Anatomy

Panmer, Torlaas, & Butre are the different members of an Avopouragain family unit. All Avopouragains begin life as Butres and at maturity reach a state in either a Panmer (Female) or Torlaas (Male) form. Differences between all of three of these states are substantial.

Butre: These bipeds have a thin frame and fair features beneath a shelled exterior.

  • Height: 50cm (1′ 6″)
  • Weight: 3kg (6 – 7lbs)
  • Skin Color(s): Pale floral colors like pink, green, blue, orange, yellow, and purple.
  • Hair Color(s): Both their shells and hair take on a polished black, brown, auburn, blonde, grey, or white appearance.
  • Resilience: These adolescents are better protected the younger they are. For as the older they get the more spread out their shell becomes. Overall however these youth’s along with their mature counterparts are physically fragile.

Panmer: These feminine forms shed their exterior shell, and develope a set of double wings sprouting from their upper back which can easily carry their light form.

  • Height: 70cm (around 2′)
  • Weight: > 3kg (5 – 6lbs)
  • Skin Color(s): Vibrant floral colors like pink, green, blue, orange, yellow, and purple.
  • Hair Color(s): Black, brown, auburn, blonde, grey, or white appearance.
  • Resilience: The exposed flesh of these female Avopouragains and their lightweight airborne capable bodies have left them the most fragile of all.

Torlaas: These masculine forms are much lager than the other Avopouragains, and retain their hard exterior. In place of wings, Torlaas grow spines along their back and tusk-like growths forming out of the sides of their face.

  • Height: 120cm (3′ – 4′)
  • Weight: 4 – 5kg (9 – 11lbs)
  • Skin Color(s): Bold dark shades of colors like red, green, blue, orange, yellow, and purple.
  • Hair Color(s): Their shells and hair take also take on a polished black (almost blue), brown, auburn, blonde, grey, or white appearance.
  • Resilience: Larger, denser, and with more armor these males are well protected from the beasts and villains of their world. However their internal workings are still very fragile, so even the strongest of their warriors are no match for many of the mortal forms which inhabit the cosmos beyond Kyia.


As a means to enable the Avopouragains to grow rapidly and expand in population, Yaldabaoth gifted the Panmer and Torlass with an ability they call “fey”. Those that use fey (Fairies) have an in depth connection to nature. This connection allows them to communicate with plants, giving them the illusion of clairvoyance; as they are told secrets by the trees. Also they can engage the growth of those nourishing and healing gifts found within the natural world. Making flower bloom into fruits and much more.

Culture & Behavior

Left to their own devices by their creator Yaldabaoth, the Avopouragains have always been an independent and ambitious race. Forsaken and confused about their purpose their society quickly grew beyond the harmonious coexsistance with the natural world. The society that grew out of this abandoning of tradition became increasingly nervous at the prospects when faced against the threats of outside invaders. These fears led some to break away from morality and into the exploration of hidden powers. These renegades called themselves “Sprites” and their dark magic and deamon worship is sometimes what other races remember most of all when it comes to the Avopouragains. Their infamy has colored these people in a dark shade of mischievous malevolence long after the sprites fell out of power durring the Fall of Avalor.