A realm most precarious in its cosmic placement, Mahgentra can be found on the east side of Mount Meru a little more than half way to the summit. In total the realm is made up of seventy two intertwined river valleys between the multiple tributary mountain ranges that branch off Mount Meru. This realm is the only other place where waters from the celestial mountain flows freely through auxiliary outlets to the mountains hydraulic load. Providing a steady supply of warm fresh water to the realm.
The realm is seen often as three parts: the high mountain tops closest to Meru itself, the river valleys of the connecting ranges, and the broad lowlands that surround the inner seas. In all three partitions the Aessemors live in abundance, supported by elaborate canal systems. These ancient stone waterways were made to control those rivers which are fed by the dynamic mountain top outlet pools that spring from Mount Meru.
The lowlands that fan out from the mountain valleys form a wedge of level lands and calm inland seas which jut out from the main body of the mountain much like a broken branch of a tree. This wedge ends with a series of abrupt cliffs that drop off towards the base of Mount Meru. Beyond that point, to the north are the great spires of Madrop-Etra which exist at the edge of the Deim’naren that surrounds the great cosmic mountain.
This location in the vast cosmic landscape has rendered this world a place masked in an eternal twilight, illuminated entirely by the reflective lights of the passing luminaries of Verrena’s astral gateway high overhead. As well the high winds and cold air of the cosmic mountainside produces a uniquely hardy biology, including the bodies of the Aessemors. The plants and animals native to Mahgentra are typically dark shades of red, blue, and/or purple. If not outright black, which often comes to dominate the psyche of the people who depict their world often through silhouettes alone.